Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Is it Normal to be Sore After a Workout?

If you’re thinking about starting a workout program, you might be wondering if you’ll be sore after training at the gym for the first time….

How Long Do My Workouts Need To Be?

If you want to get fit, lose weight or add muscle, how long do your workouts need to be? The answer will depend on who’s…

Does Fat Make You Fat?

We’ve been asked this question so many times: Does fat make you fat?  The one-word answer is “no.”  So why do so many people avoid…

Building Strength After 40: Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40?  Absolutely!  Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience…

Do You Need Machines To Get Fit?

Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit?  The short answer: No.   Here’s a very quick history lesson:…

Can I Lose This, Right Here?

Many, many people have asked a fitness coach if it’s possible to lose fat “right here.” When they ask, they always point to a body…

Will Lifting Weights Help Me Lost Fat?

Many people want to lose fat—so will weight training help them do it?  Yes!  Lifting weights is a great way to burn fat, but here’s…

Are Healthy Habits Enough

Meal plans, supplements, fat-burning workout programs, cleanses, macro tracking, the keto diet and other nutrition regimes—where do you start if you want to lose weight?…

How Will You Finish?

There are only 6 full weeks left in 2022. I believe there are three ways to finish the year out.  – Staying in Your Lane …

Boost Your Immunity w/ Little or No $

1. Get outside all year round.  2. Strengthen your valgus nerve with deep breathing drills.  3. Get to sleep before 10pm. 4. Ditch the phone…